On Saturday May 13th, the Services to Armed Forces branch located inside Fort Knox hosted a 5k/10k walk/run in honor of their 12th annual Run for The Red. Out of the 900 people who participated, one that stood out was Nebraska native and 3 year Red Cross volunteer, Evalyn Tenopir.
This will be Evalyn’s third 5k since turning 90. Now at the age of 93, with her walker in hand, Evalyn states she has, “always enjoyed walking and being active outdoors.” With her most recent 5k being Run for The Red, she mentioned she completed it alongside her daughter, daughter’s husband, and a few family friends. When asked if she would be walking more 5k walks in the future, she ended with “I didn’t see myself doing a 5k period, so we will see!”
If you would like to find out more about joining the Red Cross as a volunteer, please visit www.redcross.org/volunteer